Launching SIENNA SWIM has opened a lot of doors, some of which I had never imagined walking through until the opportunity presented itself. One of those opportunities has been the chance to direct photo and video shoots.
I've talked a lot about how much I have always wanted to model and this is still very true. I love modeling and am so happy every time I get to do it, but I think that because I’ve had this dream to model for so long, I never really considered other roles within production—until now.
We just launched Collection Nº6 TODAY, and this time around, I stepped into the director’s seat. For each collection, we typically have a several-day-long photo and video shoot where we collect all the assets needed for launch, promotion, and press. We take thousands of images of every style and color way to make sure we have enough content for everything from web to socials, and typically in the past, I have modeled every day of the shoots.
This time around, though, I decided I wanted to direct the photo and video shoots instead of modeling. I still modeled one of the days of the shoot, but I really wanted to have a behind-the-camera hand in how the lifestyle content with our other models was going to turn out.

I was also really lucky to be working with my brother and sister-in-law, who help me with the creative for the brand and are awesome at keeping track of technical things like camera batteries, inventory, model sizes and call times, etc. This end of things was very new to me, since as a model or actor you usually just show up, do your part, and leave. Having to keep track of things on the back end gave me an entirely new respect for production staff I’ve worked with in the past who had everything on HUGE productions so dialed. It is not for the weak!

I truly had the best time and am just so continuously grateful that the love you have all shown Sienna Swim has provided me with opportunities to learn and grow as a person, business woman, and creative. Make sure to check out our Instagram to see the content we shot, and shop Collection Nº6 now!

On a more somber note, I am devastated by the fires in Maui. Hawaii is my part-time home; it is an incredible place that has brought me so much community, comfort, and creativity. For the month of August, Sienna Swim will be donating 20% of sales to aid in Maui relief efforts and the recovery from the disastrous wildfires that swept the island earlier this week. More information about organizations helping in the efforts and how to donate directly is available through our Maui Relief highlight button, on Sienna Swim Instagram.